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28 paintings and rubber stamp on paper, grommets, metal ring, ball chain
In a cultural moment where we are comprehensively tracked and traced, this piece is playing with the poetics and absurdities of camouflage, and the complexities within visibility and invisibility. Like a decorator's ring of samples, this project is a collection of fabric swatch like paintings which riff on patterns derived from the clothing, workplace, natural/built environment, digital codes and social media platforms from the daily life of Michael Reinsch. As a performance, the piece operates as a non-linear score of visual cues with space on the back of each painting for Michael to trace and record dates, locations and reflections on where/how a particular swatch resonates with what is in his field of vision over a one month period.
28 paintings and rubber stamp on paper, grommets, metal ring, ball chain
In a cultural moment where we are comprehensively tracked and traced, this piece is playing with the poetics and absurdities of camouflage, and the complexities within visibility and invisibility. Like a decorator's ring of samples, this project is a collection of fabric swatch like paintings which riff on patterns derived from the clothing, workplace, natural/built environment, digital codes and social media platforms from the daily life of Michael Reinsch. As a performance, the piece operates as a non-linear score of visual cues with space on the back of each painting for Michael to trace and record dates, locations and reflections on where/how a particular swatch resonates with what is in his field of vision over a one month period.